Thursday, September 12, 2013


hello everyone! Today we'moezartgal going to talk about homework. I promise this blog post will not be long and boring or make you feel even more guilty about not doing your homework right now and because you're reading my blog. This is going to be a fun a post so please keep reading. I have been homeschooled all my life, so for all you puplic
schoolers, I do know what homework is.
Now, let's start at the beginning. Here is a definition I found for homework:

1 : piecework done at home for pay
2 : an assignment given to a student to be completed outside the regular class period
3 : preparatory reading or research (as for a discussion or a debate)

Now I don't know about you, but those definitions made homework sound easy. We all have our school subjects that we either hate, or just are not good at. Don't try to denie it! Nobody is good at everything.

Now I will give a definitions of what homework REALLY is:

1. A kind of torture given by teachers or parents to the student.
2. A pice of paper that takes over your whole weekrnd.
3. Something that gets you irritable and/or streested out. Then you start thinking something like this:

Now that is what I call a definition for homework!  But if you study hard, and do your work right, this is your future:

So I enencourage you to study hard in school because it will all be worth it when you get your report card.

Please write a comment below about how you liked this post, it will be much appreciated!! :) 

Until we read again, 

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